Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Classmates Mystery Solved...

Jeff Colson lives in Stanley Idaho now.

Well, now you know... Jane Baldwin Tew had the right answer to "which classmates live in Stanley and Jackson".  Sharon Steffler knew who lived in Jackson - obviously...

I asked them to tell us a little about how they came to live in these places and a little about themselves and their family.

Jeff said:
I spent many of my younger years around Challis, Pahsimeroi, and the Salmon River country. One of my first dates with Barb was to make her breakfast on top of a mountain at the Little Lost/Pahsimeroi summit. Ever since we spent many a camping trip in the Salmon River country. I had an opportunity to take a job at the new Cyprus mine outside of Clayton and moved to Stanley instead of Challis with everyone else. Rented a mobile home spot for several years and then moved back to Riverside. Before moving back we bought an acre of ground across the road from where we were renting. We had planned to move back ever since. That was over 25 yrs ago. We would spend as much time as we could in Stanley over that period. After family matters wound down it was time to move back for good. Stanley has always felt like home to us as a family. If you ever live there and then leave you would understand why they call it the "Come-back-to-country".

I now train electrical workers on safe work practices across the country. I use travel from Sun Valley and Boise. Barb has taken an undetermined leave of absense from an illustrious and successful teaching career and dabbles in the hotel business. Jared manages a mortgage branch in Driggs and is also a fireman. Adam is doing his doctoral work in Chemistry at Rice University in Houston. We have 3 grandchildren and enjoy em when we get to see em. We love the seasons, the quiet, and peace of mind that can only be found at home.

Sharon Steffler Henrie lives in Jackson Wyomimg.
Sharon wrote:
I met my husband Joe in my first year of college at Ricks. He was born and raised in Jackson. We were married in May of 1973 and moved into his family home in Jackson. We have 5 children 3 girls and 2 boys. All are married but my youngest who lives in Salt Lake. I have 2 grandaughters and 2 grandsons and 2 more grandsons on their way. One in December and one in March. Joe goes out to the Ranch the 1st of April and comes back to Jackson the first of April. In the winter he works at the Jackson hole Ski Corp in Vehical Maintenance. I work for the schools here in jackson at the k,1,2 grade level. I am the Lunch lady and I absolutely love it. I also work in the summers at the Jackson Hole Playhouse. I work there on Fridays and Saturdays. The rest of the week I am at the farm. I loved living in Jackson and raising my children there. We have done alot of hiking, camping, fishing snowmobiling and skiing or snowboarding. The boys were involved in sports the girls in Drama and Music.

It really is fun to reconnect with everyone!


Thanks Jeff and Sharon for sharing this great information. Don't you think it's nice to know how our classmates are doing and some fun facts about their lives? And I agree with Sharon, it is fun to reconnect with everyone!

Okay now, who's next???
I would like to know who lives in the State of Nevada.
I know of one, maybe two. Let's see if you might know...send me an email or leave a message with your thoughts or knowledge here.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who are our mystery classmates...

Okay folks, have you guessed who our mystery classmates are who live in cold climates?
Who lives in Stanley near the Sawtooth National Forest? Who would be so lucky and so crazy? It's really, really cold here in the winter! Leave a comment and let us know who you think it is. If we don't have any guesses by November 8th 2009 - you lose, Jane wins (she already knows the answers).

And which of our classmates lives in Jackson, near Grand Teton National Park? This person has lived here for quite a long time so it should be easy to guess. Wedding bells were ringing for this person's son lately.

Now if you want to narrow it down, they are both on facebook and you can join too. Why don't you join our Snake River 1972 facebook group.

Happy November Panthers!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Things That Say 70's...

The Things that Say Shout 70's

From a 1971 Seventeen magazine spread.
Nothing says 70's like shag and photo album art!
So groovy, gotta love it. And we lived through it!

Look at the prices here, amazing...
Another Seventeen Magazine article.

The icons, graphics and colors of the era. Can you feel the emotion?

Sometimes I just smile when I hear that people are "going back to the 70's". Really, how can you ever go back and capture the fullness of that period in time. We had so many definitions of what it meant to be a child or kid of the 70's, we were dressing like our parents did in the 50's, remember the penny loafers and saddle shoes. We were rebelling too with the mini skirts that out parents hated, the long hair, the music and lyrics that even today I wonder about and doubt my parents would have allowed if they had just listened to them.

Yet, we were also into bubble-gum music and the birth of family sitcoms, Sonny and Cher and Petticoat Junction for crying out loud! We loved John Wayne and our flag and our country. We celebrated Lincoln's birthday on the 12th of February and Washington's on the 22nd, we made cut-out silhouettes to line the chalkboard at school.
Some of us were worried sick about the draft and MIA's and POW's. Most of us were farm kids, too busy with chores to give a darn about all the hype, but we were one thing most of all; friends and classmates sharing childhoods as we slipped into kindergarten, meandered through each precious school year and surprisingly made it to graduation -- welcoming and saying good-bye to friends along the way.

Thank you, fellow classmates for touching my life in such a profound way. I am proud to know all of you and call you my friends.

Stay cool, and don't forget to ask for that senior citizen discount!
Love ya,

PS: I finally added names to the Class Reunion photos.

And...please take a minute to guess who the 2 mystery classmates are in the last blog. They who live in beautiful "cold" areas...
Here's a hint: You can find them on FACEBOOK:
Join our Facebook Group, Snake River High 1972
Email me if you have any questions...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Past...

Here we are, well into October - the spooks are out to trick or treat. What do you recall of your Halloweens past? Any cool costumes, parties, or pranks? If you dare -- tell all!

Or... do you even like Halloween?
We had the Sadie Hawkins dances around this time of year, didn't we? That was fun...girls asking guys.

On another note: I would love to hear from you guys. Lately I heard from Carl Atwood, thank you Carl for your comments and for letting us know you were well and busy, working for the City of Blackfoot.

Ricky Jensen emailed me to add his email address to the sidebar list of classmates - thank you Ricky. Did you know that you can click on some of the classmate's names and email them? If you would like me to add your email just click on my name and send me the info.

I heard from Barry Scott, how cool, thank you Barry. Keep checking back here for at least 2 more years to find out about our classs reunion...and a possible dry run casual get-together this summer. That is if we can muster enough interest in one.

Here's a little ditty for you, one of us has ventured/moved from the Snake River Valley and lives here: (can you guess who?)

It's so beautiful, I'm jealous!

Another of our classmates lives here: (can you guess who?) They spend part of the year at the home place in Moreland and part of the year in this beautiful place...

I lived there in the summer of 1973 and managed a little leather store called Leather Etc. in Crabtree Corner. It was right near Merry Piglets, the glassblower and pottery studio. It has all changed since then, that's for sure.

Leave a comment if you know who our two classmates are and wish them warmth this winter...

Happy Halloween everyone!
becki merrill woodward

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey, remember our awesome baseball team?

The 1972 Snake River High School Baseball Team - May 1972
Winning the championship of the A-2 bracket in the Fifth District Tournament
From left are (kneeling) Rick Tew, Brad Rich, Kendall Williams, Bert Kirwan, Mike Katseanes, Garth Turpin, manager Steve Archibald; (second row) Zane Williams, Kevin Lockie, Tom Martin, Bruce Tominaga, Blair Furniss, Darvel Anderson, coach Keith Williams; (back row) Blair Dance, Steve Butt, Danny McNair, Robert Anderson, Dalles Anderson, Richard Stroh, manager Mel Bradley.

What a nice looking team -- makes me proud to be a Panther!

Who would have ever imagined that today we can follow our favorite teams online, get schedules and sports news in an instant. It blows me away that all of this is possible. I'm also quite amazed that our sports seasons are not really just seasons anymore; what with pre-season, exhibition games, and pro-bowls we needn't fear boredom. So just to convenience you once again -- here are two top sports links:

Ya all have a great Fall! Yea, football!
Hey, you can make a comment here and let us know which teams you just love or hate and I think it would be fun to see how our favorites have changed through the year. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Denver and Seattle.
See ya later...
becki merrill woodward

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Happened to August?

Well it's certainly not a photo of us as school kids, but I needed an image so this will have to do...

This summer has been unusually busy I think-and where in the heck did it go? I was thrilled that Jane took the time to post photos of the Moreland Elementary Classes (thanks to Beth for her help too). What a bunch of cuties, and I do mean cuties!!!

Now for Pingree and Rockford, does anyone have these tucked away somewhere?

Last Saturday was the Eastern Idaho State Fair opening and the parade in Blackfoot. I ran into Jane and Rick in front of Hawker Funeral Home - luckily Jane could fill me in on the parade participants. I swear, having been out of the area for all of these years, I wouldn't have known or recognized even one person!
I took pictures and planned to post them here but I can't seem to locate the cable to download them -- moving and unpacking is such a joy...not.
I'm sure it's here somewhere...???

***A quick change of subject here*** Some of you have kids who look like you did back when, so I have found myself doing "double-takes".

Moving back to Idaho has been a great experience, I love seeing my friends and just feeling like I'm HOME again. Eastern Idaho is a great place to be from but for me it's even a great place to live. I had forgotten...

Go Panthers!

Have an awesome September and check back soon for those parade and fair pictures.
Back atcha later,

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Good Ol' Days

Post by Jane Baldwin Tew

Beth Smith and I got together one afternoon recently to scan our elementary pictures so I could create this post. It was fun reminiscing about "the good ol' days." The following pictures are the 1st - 6th grade class pictures of our years at Moreland Elementary, and that fateful year, the 6th grade, when we combined with those Riverside kids. If you know any of the names where I have question marks, please let me know so I can correct them. Also, if I got any of the names wrong or omitted any, let me know! Just e-mail me by clicking on my name in the list of classmates at the right of the post.

How many of you remember the old Moreland School? Can you remember the auditorium upstairs and the gym downstairs? Can you remember we ate lunch in a little cinder block building behind the school? Do you remember the glass milk bottles that would once in awhile accidentally fall off someone's tray and shatter all over the floor? How embarrassing! Do you remember how the school smelled? It wasn't a bad smell, but a memorable smell. I think it must have been a mixture of the cleaners Mr. Fresh used (wasn't he the janitor?) and the varnish they used on the floors. Do you remember the old radiators that heated the rooms? They were noisy and hot! What else do you remember?

1st Grade - Mrs. Jennie Farquahar

Bottom row, left to right: Gary Hayworth, Terry Bergevin, Larry Williams, Steven Rainsdon, Mike Byington, Lucky Peterson.
2nd row: Lydia ?, Valerie Page, Elvira ?, Denny Weaver, Kathy Marlow, Blanca ?, Eilene Kolbet, Judy Neeser.
3rd row: Frankie Webb, Neal Going, Mark Griffiths, Grady Brown, Rox Ann Smith, Olga ?, Frank Samargius, Cindy DeGiulio, Earl Neeser, Kenny Anderson.
Top row: Mrs. Farquahar, Mark Adams, Bradley Adams, Sharon Steffler, Valerie Williams, James Walker, Jane Baldwin, Bryce Peterson, Danny Good, Bernice Larsen.

1st Grade - Mrs. Lois Thomas
(Sorry, Beth's 1st grade picture didn't scan as large as the others.)
Bottom row: Jesse Jr., unknown, Shane Knudsen, Reuben ?, Linda Waddoups, unknown, George ?, ? Candelero, Brent Williams.
2nd row: Rowanda Wilson, Julie Steffler, Marla Furniss, Connie Flores, Kay Gasper, Marketa Parkinson, Connie Hart, Taunia Burgon, Kristie Bingham.
3rd row: Carol Young, LaDene Olsen, Nancy Harris, Ray Huggins, Beth Smith, David Hale, Susan Belnap, Angela Wells, Jesse Garcia, Pam Marcum, Debbie Erickson.
Top row: Mrs. Thomas, Valerie Clement, Kelly Bingham, Rodney Swearing, Kathleen ?, Herlinda Garcia, Annette Larsen, Mike Gneiting, Luis Matamoros, Brent Harper.

2nd grade - Mrs. Effie Polatis
Beth and I were in the same class in 2nd grade, Mrs. Polatis' class.
(Does anyone have a picture of Mrs. Eldredge's class I could scan?)

Top row: Janie ?, Shane Knudsen, Mrs. Polatis, Principal Jack Thompson, Juanita Hernandez, Duane McIver, Debbie ?.

2nd row: Valerie Page, Ruben ?, Josefina ?, Junior ?, Eilene Kolbet, Bryce Peterson.

3rd row: Nancy Harris, Bradley Adams, Linda Waddoups, Danny Good, Bernice Larsen, Denny Weaver, Jane Baldwin.

4th row: Grady Brown, Connie Flores, Larry Williams, Beth Smith, Earl Neeser, Debbie Erickson, Rox Ann Smith, Kelly Bingham, Kay Gasper.

5th row: unknown, Frankie Webb, Lydia ?, Connie Hart, Lucky Peterson, Carol Young, Steven Rainsdon.

3rd Grade - Mrs. Irene Larsen

Bottom row: Oren McGonigal, Tom Ternus, Linda Waddoups, Valerie Page, Kenny Fredrick, Denny Weaver, Buddy Hill, Marla Furniss.

2nd row: Connie Flores, Pam Marcum, Frankie Webb, Kathy Pierson, Kelly Bingham, Frank Samargius, Angela Wells, Mark Griffiths, Brent Williams.

3rd row: Duane McIver, Larry Williams, Jane Baldwin, Bradley Adams, Bryce Peterson, James Walker, Gabino C., Mrs. Larsen.

Top row: Juanita Hernandez, Valerie Clement, Nancy Harris, Brent Harper, Ray Huggins, John Behrend, Luis Matamoros.

3rd Grade - Mrs. Edna Clark

Bottom row: Danny Good, Bernice Larsen, Steven Pearson, Valerie Williams, Susan Belnap, Mike Gneiting, Mark Adams.

2nd row: Les Trent, Debbie Erickson, Earl Neeser, Steven Rainsdon, Julie Steffler, Lucky Peterson, Kristie Bingham.

3rd row: Annette Larsen, Sharon Steffler, Beth Smith, Cindy DeGiulio, Kenny Frandsen, Shane Knudsen, Peggy Nichols, Marketa Parkinson, Mrs. Clark.

Top row: Randy McNamara, David Hale, Terry Bergevin, Salvador ?, Allen Christensen, LaDene Olsen, Carol Young, Connie Hart.

4th Grade - Mrs. Harriet Clark

Bottom row: Cindy DeGiulio, LaDene Olsen, Valerie Page, Brent Williams, Lucky Peterson, Tom Ternus, Marketa Parkinson, Julia Steffler, Debbie Erickson.

2nd row: James Walker, Jane Baldwin, Annette Larsen, Ray Huggins, Kathleen Knudsen, Juanita Hernandez, Bryce Peterson, Valerie Clement, Mrs. Clark.

3rd row: Frankie Webb, Kenny Fredricks, Denny Weaver, Mike Gneiting, Tommy Jones, Mark Griffiths, Earl Neeser, Steven Rainsdon.

4th Grade - Mrs. Donna Benson

Bottom row: Linda Waddoups, Connie Flores, Carol Young, Marla Furniss, Connie Hart, Kristie Bingham, Angela Wells, Pam Marcum, Beth Smith, Susan Belnap.

2nd row: Katherine Knudsen, Mark Adams, Terry Bergevin, Randy McNamara, Bradley Adams, Sharon Steffler, Valerie Williams, Mrs. Benson.

Top row: Gary Hayworth, John Behrend, Kelly Bingham, Brent Harper, Larry Williams, David Hale, Oren McGonigal, Duane McIver.

5th Grade - Mrs. Belnap and Mr. Morse

Bottom row: Frankie Webb, Mark Griffiths, David Hale, John Behrend, Larry Williams, Steven Rainsdon.

2nd row: Angela Wells, Melinda Herbst, Pamela Marcum, Mark Adams, Bradley Adams, Terry Bergevin, Brent Harper, Debra Erickson, Valerie Page, Beth Smith, Carol Young.

3rd row: Juanita Hernandez, Jane Baldwin, Susan Belnap, Sharon Steffler, Annette Larsen, Connie Garcia, Valerie Williams, Valerie Clement, Cindy DeGiulio, Patricia Archibald.

4th row: Kristie Bingham, Julie Steffler, Brent Williams, Kenny Fredrick, Earl Neeser, LaDene Olson, Denny Weaver, Oren McGonigal, Tom Ternus, Marla Furniss.

Top row: Burk Frandsen, Renny Jensen, Duane McIver, Brent Bevan, Bryce Peterson, Mike Gneiting, Luis Matamoros, Ray Huggins.

6th Grade - Mr. Wayne Waddoups

Bottom row: Jeff Colson, Steven Rainsdon, Oren McGonigal, Bruce Tominaga.

2nd row: Kenny Fredrick, Brent Williams, Denny Weaver, Randy Young, Billy Arnold, Jane Baldwin, Pam Marcum, Kristie Bingham, Diane Thompson.

3rd row: Mrs. Ruth Marcum, Duane McIver, Brent Bevan, Valerie Williams, Bobbi Jo Christensen, Annette Larsen, Kathryn Knudsen, Mr. Waddoups.

Top row: David Hale, Kim Poole, Connie Hart, Arva Walters, Carol Moore, Cindy DeGiulio, Tina Moon.

6th Grade - Mr. Charles Barker & Mrs. Ruth Marcum

Bottom row: Julie Steffler, Terry Peters, Barry Scott, Tom Ternus.

2nd row: Frank Webb, Earl Neeser, Brent Harper, Frankie Perry, Valerie Page, LaDene Olsen, Carol Young, Dorothy Decker, Marketa Parkinson.

3rd row: Mrs. Marcum, Clinton Wheeler, Jan Peterson, Janet Walters, Karen Clement, Lynette Van Orden, Sherry Gardner, Marcia Jemmett, Mr. Barker.

Top row: Gary Merrill, John Behrend, Beth Smith, Mike Gneiting, Bradley Adams, Bryce Peterson, Russell Serr.

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Summertime! Class reunion memories...

It really is summertime here in Blackfoot -- hard to believe after the very unusual June weather we have experienced. I moved over here from CA this month and had a pleasant but rainy welcome.

Tomorrow is the 35th class reunion for the Snake River Class of 74. Valerie Clement Packer's sister Kerry and several others in the class have been working hard with the plans - it should be a huge success. My sister Sandra aka: Sandy Merrill, as some of you may remember her, short and cute, unlike me... well, she is planning to attend so that reminded me that I had scanned the photos from the last two class reunions for our very own Snake River High Class of 1972.

Here we are at our 30th in 2002. Photo Courtesy of Doug Murdock. Thanks Doug!(click to enlarge photo)

Front Row: Kristie BinghamWhiting, Valerie Clement Packer, Marketa Parkinson Cornwall, Linda Ford Treichel, Debbie Martin Randall, Brenda Williams Corbridge, Beth Smith, Lynette Goodwin Daw, Ricky Jensen, Arva Galloway Werth, Becki Merrill Woodward, Tina Moon Green, Janet Walters Blair, Darla Phelps Allen, Melinda Herbst Dalling

Middle Row: Randy Tew, David Hale, David Murdock, Jane Baldwin Tew, Rick Tew, Ron Thompson, Wayne Warren, Valerie Williams Wagner, Valerie Page, Bobbi Jo Christensen Young, Gay Esplin Ewell, Gaylen Stander, Doug Murdock

Back Row: Bob Ricks, Blair Dance, J.Lyn Wood, Brad Adams, Kim Hedin, Blake Dance, Eric Hansen, Steve Butt, Denny Weaver, Steve Rainsdon, Mike Gneiting

Here we are at our 20th in 1992. Photo by Bruce Evans
(click to enlarge photo)

Please forgive me for not knowing your spouse’s name.
Just email me with the info and I will update it.

Front Row: Steve and Rhonda Butt, Joe and Valerie Clement Packer, Rick and Gina Jensen

Second Row: Rick and Jane Baldwin Tew, Mike and Kristie Bingham Whiting, Randy and Gay Esplin Ewell, Valerie Page, Beth Smith, Wendell and Mary Elison Wells, Larry and Tammy Young Packer, Deryl Smith and daughter Lucy

Third Row: Brent and Kim Harper, Terry and Natalie Bergevin, Bill Arnold and wife, Blake and Linda Dance (see Blake directly behind Linda), J.Lyn and Janece Wood, Kirk and Marla Furniss Hone, Scott and Gloria Archibald Kirwan

Fourth Row: Kim and Kathryn Robertson Poole, David Murdock and wife, Bob and Dara Kae Ricks

Fifth Row: Eric and Janice Hansen, Kenny Frederick and wife, Randy Young and wife, Roger and Lisa Hall, Virginia George and friend, Nancy Harris, Wayne and Brenda Williams Corbridge, Jeff and Debbie Martin Randall

Sixth Row: Mark and Carol Young Adams, Ron and Mindy Thompson, Bradley and Julie Saxton Hale, Shawna Thomas? and husband, Gaylen and Ulene Van Orden, Blair Dance

Seventh Row: Kim and Beverly Hedin, Quinn and Karla Twiggs, Steve and Marketa Parkinson Cornwall, Sherylun Nixon Martin, Bryce and Vicky Myler Peterson, Wesley and ReNea Nelson, Wayne and Terri Warren

Some of us have changed a lot over the years, some haven't change at all!

If you can guess 100% of us I think you will be a class genius. You can email me your guesses or post to the comments. I might edit this post post later with the names if you really struggle... don't feel bad though, I know some of the gray cells are fading at our age. LOL
You can disregard this part as I finally added the names. If any are wrong, just let me know :)

PS: I have never used LOL before in my life but it seems appropriate now...

Post your comments please, and if you need a reminder on "How to Post Comments" click here!

Stay HIP!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Pantherettes Spring 1972

Hopefully I can get everyone's name right here...

Left to Right:

Front row: MaryAnn Applegate, Ruth Christensen, Pam Marcum, Marva Lu Wray, Lynette Goodwin, Sheila Benson.

2nd row: Kathryn Robertson, Joanne Love, Vicky Myler, Brenda Williams, Holly Murdock, Kaye Dalley, Patsy Jones.

3rd row: DeAnn Shawver, Pam Talbot, Gay Esplin, LeAnn Broadhead, Carol Young, Sharon Evans.

4th row: Emily Aoyagi, Gloria Archibald, Becki Merrill, Jerralyn Hansen, Valerie Williams, Kay VanOrden.

I have great memories as a Pantherette. Parades, games, competition/camp and lots of practices, all worth it as I think I loved every minute. This was an awesome group of girls to associate with. I really have only two regrets today... that I wouldn't be able to fit into my costumes and there's no way I could do those splits! I can still do the kicks though, yes, really.

Oh well...
Go Pantherettes!

becki merrill woodward

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Spring Fever and a call for help...

The bee says: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Do you have Spring Fever? I do...

The garden needs weeded and a hundred other things, but all I want to do is sit in the sun, waste time and do ANYTHING but work. I do remember the late Spring days in Idaho - those fluffy white cloud and warm breezy days when you could lie on your back and get lost in the clouds that changed before your eyes, morphing into fantasy shapes and characters as if by magic. Do you remember making dandelion chains, digging your bare feet into thick green grass, listening to the hum of the honey bees, and the chirps and cheeps of little birds as they built their nest nearby? I'm dreaming here...

Now WAKE UP!'s a proposition for you. To keep this little blog interesting and hopping with posts and information, I need some help. This is looking like a busy summer "here at the ranch" and I'm not going to have the time to post to this blog 2-3 times a week like I planned. I have asked Jane Baldwin Tew, Valerie Williams Wagner, Valerie Clement Packer to help me post here when they get a minute or two. If any of you awesome, wonderful classmates would like to help out I would be ever so grateful. It's not a hard thing to post and I have all of the directions - step by step for you. It's great if you have photos of some kind but you don't have to, words will do and you can pick any subject or topic! Just remember it's a family friendly blog :)

Please send me a note or post a comment here and I'll get the information to you ASAP.
Click here to email me.

Kathy McBride Parson has the Rockford 1st grade picture and some of the Pingree Elementary class pictures too. She said she will get them up here when she gets a chance. Thanks Kathy! Oh, and she wrote me a wonderful email with information about her family. She will have her 15th grandchild this year. Congratulations Kathy!

So, besides hearing from Kathy McBride Parson, I/we have heard from
Lynette Goodwin Daw
Gaylen Stander
Doug Murdock
Marketa Parkinson Cornwall
Debbie Erickson Howell
Valerie Clement Packer
Jeff Colson (aka anonymous)
Randy Tew
Jane Baldwin Tew
Valerie Williams Wagner
Wesley Nelson
Check out the comments on the posts to see what they have to say!
Melissa Cutchshaw Mills left a comment on the Flipped out post. How cool hearing from you Melissa! It was awesome having you join our class even just for a year. I'm sure others feel as I do, that you will always be part of our class because you brought a lot of "class" to our bunch. It would be awesome if you could make it out to a class reunion!
Does anyone know Jerry Murdock's address? His postcard was returned non-deliverable.
Now everyone enjoy your Spring and say something will you please, it's way too quiet around here!
Thanks ~
becki merrill woodward

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Our Senior Class Play was a blast... do you remember it? Mr Empey was a busy drama teacher that year with the Operetta " Swinging High", the All School Play "To Kill A Mockingbird" and finally our Senior Class Play "F.L.I.P.P.E.D"

I loved the linocut programs printed on construction paper with the typed and stapled insert.

In this Photo:
FRONT ROW LTO R: G. Archibald, L, Olsen, B. Williams, L. Goodwin, N. Harris, M. Furniss, D. Martin, J. Peterson, M. Cutchshaw.
MIDDLE ROW: B. Merrill, A. Wells, V. Clements, K. Bingham, B. Smith, L. Ford, M. Herbst,
L. Dalton, D. Phelps.
BACK ROW: T. Empey, Director, T. Wheeler, S. Butt, A. Larsen, W. Nelson, D. Murdock,
J. Colson, T. Jackson.
MISSING: J. Randall, V. Evans, R. Hall, D. Erickson, B. Dance, M.A. Barclay, R. Stroh,
K. McBride, C. Wheeler, G. Esplin.

~ The Program ~
The Senior Class of Snake River High School

A Full-length Comedy About Women’s Liberation

David Rogers

May 19 and 20
8:00 PM

Chairman of the Senior Play Taunia Wheeler

(Female Liberation Idealists Party for Permanent Equality and Democracy)

(In Order of Appearance)

Man who wants a taxi ............... ...................Clinton Wheeler
Young Mother and Child ............ ..........Melinda Herbst & child

Teen- Age Girl Fifth Avenue Stroller..................Tammy Young
Boy Friend “ ” ...........................................Blair Dance
Jane Boland, a dress buyer ....................................... Becki Merrill
Cristabelle Pendleton, her friend .............................. Valerie Evans
Saleslady, from Tiffany's ............................................ Darla Phelps
Flora Haydon, leader of F.L.I.P.P.E.D. ......................Beth Smith

Miki Pendleton Member of F.L.I.P.P.E.D ..........Melissa Cutchshaw
Opal Lambrinos “ “ “........................Ladene Olson
Myra Grant “ “ “ ........................Annette Larson
Sandra Killer “ “ “ .........................Marla Furniss
Ella Gold “ “ “.......................... Angela Wells
Lynn Reed “ “ “.......................... Brenda Williams
Sergeant Williams ........................................Roger Hall
Patrolman Fuller Policemen .............................. Doug Murdock
Waitress, at Cram Pulla Goodies .......................... Debbie Erickson
Lady Lunching .................................................. Darla Phelps
Drusy Pendleton Nicki’s Sister................................Lynette Goodwin
Gaby Pendleton Blair Nicki’s Sister ...................Debbie Martin
Man Lunching At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Roger Hall
Another Man .......... At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Doug Murdock
Eric Forbes, A columnist .....................................Jeff Colson
Joe Rao Construction Worker ...................................Todd Jackson
Hap Halloran Construction Worker ......................Blair Dance
Girl, at Construction Site ...........................................Jan Peterson
Mitch Nygren, Construction foreman ...................... Jeff Randall
Clyde Pendleton, Christabelle's husband .................Wesley Smith
Dawn O'Day, Head Kitten at the Kitten Club ...............Mary Ann Barclay
Tom Blair, Gaby's husband, Kitten Club owner ............Steve Butt
1st Girl At Central Park ..........................................Linda Ford
2nd Girl At Central Park ..........................................Val Clement
Jeannie, the Blair 's babysitter .....................................Kristie Bingham
Haywood Haydon, Flora's husband .........................Richard Stroh
Dixie Kitten at the Kitten Club ....................................Kathy Mc Bride
Bubbles Kitten at the Kitten Club ................................Gloria Archibald
Suzy Kitten at the Kitten Club ..................................Linda Dalton
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Clinton Wheeler
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Taunia Wheeler
Court Clerk .................... .........................................Gay Esplin
Judge Frances Coleman, of Night Court .....................Nancy Harris
What a funny play this was and so 1970's!
Be good Panthers,
becki merrill woodward

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Through The Years...

So…I was talking to Beth Smith again the other day and she remembers so much about Grade School and Jr. High. Things I had forgotten long ago. It prompted me to dig out the old class pictures from Rockford Elementary -- now that brought back the memories… Does anyone have the 1st Grade that you could scan and put in the album? I’m missing mine.

If some of you have Pingree, and Riverside (I did ask Jane if she could do Moreland), would you please help us out with those too? Email me if you have questions.

* Remember, you can click on photos to enlarge them.

Rockford 2nd Grade - Mrs. Myrtle Evans

1st row: Lynette Goodwin, Darla Phelps, Quinn Twiggs, Kathryn Robertson, LaWana Myler, Mindy Murdock, Kayleen Turpin

2nd row: Vicky Williams, Lynn Ann Hansen, Virginia George, Valerie Evans, Douglas Wadsworth, Blair Dance, Brent Wells, Rebecca Merrill, Blake Dance

3rd row: J.Lyn Wood, Gay Esplin, Gaylen Stander, David Murdock, Karen McPherson, Douglas Murdock, DeeAnn Polatis, Jerry Murdock

Rockford 3rd Grade - Mrs. Ruth McPherson

1st row: Quinn Twiggs, Kayleen Turpin, Kathryn Robertson, Mindy Murdock, Darla Phelps, Danny Evans, LaWana Myler

2nd row: Karen McPherson, Blair Dance, Gaylen Stander, Douglas Wadsworth, Gay Esplin, Brent Wells, Brenda Williams, Rebecca Merrill, Lynn Ann Hansen

3rd row: Roger Hall, Jerry Murdock, Douglas Murdock, Debra Martin, David Murdock, J.Lyn Wood, Blake Dance, Lynette Goodwin

Rockford 4th Grade – Mrs. Higginson

1st row: Gaylen Stander, Quinn Twiggs, Blake Dance, Jerry Murdock

2nd row: Mindy Murdock, Kayleen Turpin, Debra Martin, Kathryn Robertson, LaWana Myler, Lynette Goodwin, Karen McPherson

3rd row: Virginia George, Rebecca Merrill, Valerie Evans, Eric Hansen, Douglas Wadsworth, Cheryl Camphouse, Brenda Williams

4th row: David Murdock, J.Lyn Wood, Douglas Murdock, Gay Esplin, Blair Dance, Roger Hall, Darla Phelps

Rockford 5th Grade – Mrs. Stander

1st row: Kayleen Turpin, Kathryn Robertson, Debra Martin, Lynette Goodwin, Karen McPherson, Darla Phelps, LaWana Myler, Mindy Murdock

2nd row: Bryant Jackson, Gay Esplin, Virginia George, Valerie Evans, Rebecca Merrill,
Eric Hansen, Blair Dance, David Murdock

3rd row: Roger Hall, (unidentified), Douglas Murdock, Blake Dance, J.Lyn Wood, Gaylen Stander, Brent Wells, Jerry Murdock, Quinn Twiggs

THANK YOU to Gaylen Stander for reminding me about Bryant Jackson! He must have moved in this 5th grade year.

In 6th grade they combined the Pingree kids with the Rockford kids and created two classes.

6th Grade Mrs. James

1st row: David Rich, Kayleen Turpin, Mindy Murdock, Gay Esplin, Connie Belville, Darla Phelps, Lynette Goodwin, Julian Sanchez

2nd row: Mary Ellison, Richard Stroh, Brenda Williams, Virginia George, Linda Ford, Willie Hobbs, Eric Hansen

3rd row: Doug Murdock, Karen McPherson, Tammy Young, Zona Miller, Doug Wadsworth, Brent Wells, Gaylen Van Orden, Blair Dance

6th Grade Mr. Mc Mullin

1st row: Phillip Tracy, Roger Hall, Quinn Twiggs, Kathryn Robertson, Jerry Murdock, Todd Jackson, Vicky Myler, Debbie Martin, Kathy McBride

2nd row: Wayne Warren, Bryant Jackson, David Murdock, Patricia Winmill, Connie Garcia, Becky Merrill, Valerie Evans

3rd row: Carl Atwood, Blake Dance, Steven Butt, Gaylen Stander, J.Lyn Wood, Danny Barrett, DeeAnn Polatis Absent: Deryl Smith & Roger Lloyd

It really would be nice to have all 4 schools posted on the blog so scan and post those photos if you can.
Becki Merrill Woodward

Friday, March 20, 2009

Favorite Songs...

Oh my, look what I found in my January 1972 Seventeen magazine. A Columbia House record club advertisement with albums by The Carpenters, Cat Stevens, Donny Osmond, Rod Stewart, to name a few.
Go ahead, click on the image and check it out (it's a large file so be patient while it loads). This just brings back way too many memories.

I found a great site online that has this list of the Top 100 for 1972

You can check out the site here Music Outfitters (Thanks for the permission Vince and Bob!)
While you're there, check out their Home Page and all the cool music stuff.

Top 100 for 1972
1. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, Roberta Flack
2. Alone Again (Naturally), Gilbert O'Sullivan
3. American Pie, Don McLean
4. Without You, Nilsson
5. Candy Man, Sammy Davis Jr.
6. I Gotcha, Joe Tex
7. Lean On Me, Bill Withers
8. Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me, Mac Davis
9. Brand New Key, Melanie
10. Daddy Dont You Walk So Fast, Wayne Newton
11. Let's Stay Together, Al Green
12. Brandy (You're A Fine Girl), Looking Glass
13. Oh Girl, Chi-Lites
14. Nice To Be With You, Gallery
15. My Ding-A-Ling, Chuck Berry
16. If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right, Luther Ingram
17. Heart Of Gold, Neil Young
18. Betcha By Golly, Wow, Stylistics
19. I'll Take You There, Staple Singers
20. Ben, Michael Jackson
21. The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Robert John
22. Outa-space, Billy Preston
23. Slippin' Into Darkness, War
24. Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress), Hollies
25. How Do You Do, Mouth and MacNeal
27. Song Sung Blue, Neil Diamond
28. A Horse With No Name, America
28. Popcorn, Hot Butter
29. Everybody Plays The Fool, Main Ingredient
30. Precious And Few, Climax
31. Last Night I Didn't Get To Sleep At All, 5th Dimension
32. Nights In White Satin, Moody Blues
33. Go All The Way, Raspberries
34. Too Late To Turn Back Now, Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose
35. Back Stabbers, O'Jays
36. Down By The Lazy River, Osmonds
37. Sunshine, Jonathan Edwards
38. Starting All Over Again, Mel and Tim
39. Day Atter Day, Badfinger
40. Rocket Man, Elton John
41. Rockin' Robin, Michael Jackson
42. Beautiful Sunday, Daniel Boone
43. Scorpio, Dennis Coffey and The Detroit Guitar Band
44. Morning Has Broken, Cat Stevens
45. The City Of New Orleans, Arlo Guthrie
46. Garden Party, Rick Nelson
47. I Can See Clearly Now, Johnny Nash
48. Burning Love, Elvis Presley
49. Clean Up Woman, Betty Wright
50. Hold Your Head Up, Argent
51. Jungle Fever, Chakachas
52. Everything I Own, Bread
53. In The Rain, Dramatics
54. Look What You Done For Me, Al Green
55. The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A., Donna Fargo
56. Bang A Gong (Get It On), T. Rex
57. Mother And Child Reunion, Paul Simon
58. Where Is The Love, Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway
59. I'm Still In Love With You, Al Green
60. Layla, Derek and The Dominos
61. Day Dreaming, Aretha Franklin
62. The Way Of Love, Cher
63. Black And White, Three Dog Night
64. Sylvia's Mother, Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show
65. Hurting Each Other, Carpenters
66. Coconut, Nilsson
68. Puppy Love, Donny Osmond
69. You Don't Mess Around With Jim, Jim Croce
70. Hot Rod Lincoln, Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
71. A Cowboy's Work Is Never Done, Sonny and Cher
72. Joy, Apollo 100
73. Anticipation, Carly Simon
74. Never Been To Spain, Three Dog Night
75. Kiss An Angel Good Morning, Charlie Pride
76. School's Out, Alice Cooper
77. Saturday In The Park, Chicago
78. Drowning In The Sea Of Love, Joe Simon
79. Use Me, Bill Withers
80. Family Affair, Sly and The Family Stone
81. Troglodyte, Jimmy Castor Bunch
82. The Witch Queen Of New Orleans, Redbone
83. Freddie's Dead, Curtis Mayfield
84. Power Of Love, Joe Simon
85. Ain't Understanding Mellow, Jerry Butler and Brenda Lee Eager
86. Taxi, Harry Chapin
87. Don't Say You Don't Remember, Beverly Bremers
87. Sealed With A Kiss, Bobby Vinton
88. I Saw The Light, Todd Rundgren
89. Motorcycle Mama, Sailcat
90. Day By Day, Godspell Soundtrack
91. Roundabout, Yes
92. Doctor My Eyes, Jackson Browne
93. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing, New Seekers
94. Vincent/Castles In The Air, Don Mclean
95. Baby Let Me Take You (In My Arms), Detroit Emeralds
96. Speak To The Sky, Rick Springfield
97. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing, Hillside Singers
98. Walking In The Rain With The One I Love, Love Unlimited
99. Good Foot, Pt. 1, James Brown
100. Pop That Thang, Isley Bros.

Whew... My favorites were #2, 9, 32, 74, 77 - well, and a few others that bring back memories...

What are your favorites?
Do you remember things that were happening when these songs came out?

American Pie was played so often on the radio that I think it was the most memorable for me that year, but I really remember the worst sunburn of my life (3rd degree burn and blisters all over my shoulders) and having to attend my tennis class at USU that summer with "Alone Again Naturally" playing over the loadspeaker. I still like that song though...

Please, leave some comments about the songs you remember and let us know if you are alive out there. Otherwise we might have to call you in as a missing person... just kidding.

PS: Happy Birthday Jane Tew!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stumbling down memory lane...

Some things about the 70's seem a little hazy, but hopefully you will remember this:

*** If you play this video, please scroll down the page to the Playlist Player, pause it - then come back up to play the video. You really don't want both of these playing at the same time, believe me...

Wikipedia about the song, I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing...

What were your favorite songs in High School? Do you remember the themes for our dances? Color My World was one and easy to decorate for.

Take care all you groovy people...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am so sorry...

I really do need to apologize to Jane Baldwin Tew and all of you who were in attendance at our class reunion in 2002. You see, I had planned to start a website for our class back then and Jane wrote in the special mail piece she so nicely prepared and mailed to us, that I was working on the website and to email me. Well, by then my email address had changed and I never did get the site together. So I apologize and just needed to tell you and get it off my conscience. Okay, that's done...

Now here's the other thing...

I'm sure we all have regrets from our past, well this one really bothers me. I did the most terrible thing to Bruce Tominaga.

Remember those great preppy type shirts the guys used to wear that were button down with the hang loop in the back? We used to call them "fruit loops"--we would grab them and pull them right out of the shirt. (Don't ask me why - what a stupid thing to do) Well, it was one of the first days back to school and Bruce had this really nice plaid shirt. I grabbed the loop and pulled -- ripping the whole shirt right down the back.

I am so sorry Bruce! I'll bet your mom wanted to kill me for that. Bruce was pretty cool about it, like the real gentleman and cool dude he was. Hey, he might still be but I haven't seen him in ages! Where are you Bruce?Here are some interresting things about fruit loops.
Kellogg's introduced Froot Loops, the cereal in 1963.

Loop on back of shirt? Read more about it...

and here's even more than you ever wanted to know about "fruit loops"

What things do you guys regret from High School or Jr. High?

becki merrill woodward

Remember the apologies?...

The apologies that I said I owed...

well stand by for news...

Does that remind you of Paul Harvey? I miss him already. Just knowing he's not on earth anymore to bring us to our senses, telling us the rest of the story as only he could. Did your parents listen to him? Did you?

Well, here I go again, side tracked as usual. I have the apologies ready for tomorrow's post, so be sure to check back. I think you'll get a little kick (walk down memory lane) about one of them.

***also, if you notice in the list of classmates on the sidebar, my name is a different color? (Jane and Val Williams too)
Well, Jane had a grand idea to create active email links with our names (this is optional for you extremely private folks). Go ahead, click on my name and you should be able to send an email... you certainly don't have to send an email, it just gives you the option and we won't have to use real email addresses in the body or comments of posts. Doing so can allow spammers to get your address - so they say. So it's safer to use links...

If your email client doesn't come up for you when you click on the link, just send me a note and I'll have me tech (that's me by the way) help you out.

So please email me if you would like your email linked to your name. I won't automatically do it, I need your permission first, okay?

Toot-a-loo until tomorrow,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Panther Winter Sports...

My, oh my...
It is fun looking back at the yearbook and our Varsity Basketball and Wrestling teams. I thought I would doctor up those yearbook photos since I'll probably be doing time for copyright violations anyway... so how about some PURPLE! If you want to read a little tidbit about our school colors, read Jane Tew's comment on the last post: Wes Nelson Update

Our Varsity Basketball team 1971-72
Left to right: (our classmates in bold) Kim Poole, Stan Bowman, Blair Dance-Captain, Ron Simmons, Doug Sprague, Kim Hedin, Jeff Randall-Captain, Brett Belnap, Dwight Gardner, Blair Furniss, (not pictured) Steve Yamada, Dallas Anderson.

Another note: Next to the photo in the yearbook, the caption read, "We beat Blackfoot", how cool is that!

Well I've always joked about Idaho winters; the main attraction is the bowling alley. Now I know that is far from realistic anymore as we play out-of-doors in a myriad of ways, from snow sports to kids play. But don't you just love a good indoor, shoulder-to-shoulder, sitting on hard bleachers, basketball game, especially now that we can cheer on our own kids and grand kids. There's nothing like the positive charge of enthusiasm in a local crowd and the excitement and possibility of a successful sports season or reign.

Personally, I loved being able to perform in Drill Team - GO Pantherettes! The only bummer was that you had to slip out early to dress and come back late -missing so much of the game. I remember riding the bus to Preston and our driver took the wrong turn, we missed most of the game. I was so mad at the driver anyway because I went up and told him what he had done and he didn't believe me - just kept on driving! I had family in Preston and knew the roads well but hey, I was just a kid - a dumb girl at that, what would I know... (funny the memories we have).

Now on to Wrestling *** Doesn't this group look formidable, rough and tough?
They were! According to the yearbook they had an 11-1 record and the best ever in the history of Snake River!

Our Varsity Wrestling team 1971-1972
Classmates in bold.
Front row: Zane Williams-manager, Clay Hansen, Randy Leavitt, Morse Moon, Gary Turnus, Kim Wolfley, Gordon Scherbinski-manager.
Back row: Wesley Nelson-manager, Randy Tew, Arden Smith, Rick Tew, Errol Hendricks, Mark Adams, Tommy Hale, Coach Williams, (not pictured) Ed Bartausky, David Hale, Larry Williams, Ken Frederick.

Two of our classmates, Larry Williams and Randy Tew were district champions -going on to State that year!
GO Panthers! Gotta LOVE those 70's!
becki merrill woodward

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wes Nelson update...

Wes Nelson & Debbie Martin "Most Spirited"
Remember this from our year book, 1972?

Now if I get thrown in jail for copyright violations, please, someone take care of this 5 year old I'm raising... sounds like a threat, huh?

It was great hearing from you Wes! You still sound like the most spirited and I love hearing that you are keeping up on the teams. SR did have some awesome athletes in the good old days. I hear they still do; so country air, spuds and good water must have something going for them.

Anyway folks, here's what Wes wrote to us all:

Hello everyone in Panther Land. I just watched the Snake River Ladies Basketball team take third at State and I couldn't help remember with fond memories those great teams of the 70's. This is fun to read about our classmates and remember the great couples from school. ReNea and I are waiting for our 10th Grandchild in July. Our youngest is returning from a mission in two weeks and needless to say we are very excited. We are busy here in Boise and are really glad to have jobs. Life has not slowed down and I wouldn't want it any other way. I want to thank Becky for keeping all of us together. Her kindness just continues as it always has. She was always such a bright star and peacemaker. I hope this finds you all well and I can't wait to keep in touch through this blog. I am not very good at this computer stuff and face bookscares me to death. But Dalin our second to the youngest is great at it and he keeps old dad on track. And yes I have to brag he is the Captain of the male cheerleaders and defending National Champions at BOISE STATE!!!! Go Broncos. We are heading to LA for Nationals at the end of March. He and his wife Jenni are expecting their first child and our 10th grandchild July 22nd.
I don't know how all of us got to this age? I really thought we would be young forever. But my body tells me different. I hope this finds all of you well and may God Bless you all.

It was nice to see Wes and ReNea at Karen's funeral. We had a wonderful but short visit and I have to tell you, Wes looks pretty darn good for an old guy :) I think you're older than me Wes so I can say that. (wink) Oh, and his wife is beautiful.

Okay, it's 12:30 in the AM here so I'll sign off now...
Apologies to follow in another post, whew... missed out again :)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Candy hearts...

Just had to add this fun link I found today!
1972 what a year!

A tribute to Valentines...

Happy Valentine's Day Panthers!
Do you like statistics? Are you ever curious about such things? Well, me neither, but you're going to get one today...
Did you know that 12% of our class married each other?...
Yes, 16 classmates make 8 couples and that's how many I would like to show special acknowledgement to today. The day for Sweethearts, ahhh...

Let's give a hoot, a holler and a shout out to our married couples!

Jane Baldwin & Rick Tew
Bryce Peterson & Vicky Myler
Kim Poole & Kathryn Robertson
Mark Adams & Carol Young
Jeff Randall & Debbie Martin
Bradly Hale & Julie Saxton
Clinton Wheeler & Taunia Burgon
Kim Daw & Lynette Goodwin
(I know Kim graduated from another school, but he's still one of us!)
Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day and just forget the statistic, you're so much more than just a statistic in our eyes...
Now if ever there was a way to figure out the # of children and then grandchildren born to all of our classmates, I would have a blast figuring those stats. But those grandchildren are an elusive number, increasing monthly I'll bet.

Can you see what I 'm leading into? The classmate that I know just had their 13th grandchild with 2 on the way... I promised I would tell you in the next post. Well, I lied...

Just kidding, Jane would probably kill me. She had a great guess and she might be right, but I haven't heard from Wesley Nelson so I don't know for sure.

Wesley, are you out there? I tried to reach you through but that's a joke. I don't think they send emails for us. They just store them!!! Don't pay for so called GOLD membership, I have several times and it's a waste.

Okay, losing my concentration here, get off the soapbox bec.
Well, I won't leave you in suspense anymore...

The grandparent who I know for sure has all of these grand kids is Kristie Bingham Whiting!
Her daughter Stacey delivered a daughter on Feb.11.
Little Lucy Kay Hall

Love is in the air...Happy Valentines day to all of you!

The apologies will just have to wait until next time, wink-wink.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Well, wouldn't you know it...

Someone in our class just had their 13th grandchild yesterday, with 2 more on the way this year. I am certainly excited for them -- green with envy, but excited too.

There is something about grandkids that makes us appreciate the little things in life, like the peace and quiet when they go back home – grin, grin. No, actually, I have learned a lot since “grandparenthood”.

1. Spoil them

2. Take tons of pictures

3. Know when it’s time for them to go home (I’m revisiting this one)

4. Afternoon naps are great for all of us

Searching the internet has helped me find some pretty cool grand parenting tips and ideas. I like this site:

Sometimes I need to find something for the kids to do (like pronto) so I download and print out all kinds of projects here: or or color pages.

Now here are the real questions, how many grandchildren do you have?

What fun things do you like to do with them?

What have you learned?

Who has the 13 with 2 on the way? Can you guess?

I’ll tell you next post, so be watching.

Oh, I haven’t forgotten the apology or two that I owe…they’re on the way too .

Have a great day Panthers!

becki merrill woodward

Monday, February 9, 2009

How to post a comment...

Leaving a comment instructions:
Now this is about the most boring post ever, but maybe it will help you figure this thing out.
OR...make it even more complicated...

If the sample here is hard to read, just click on it and it will open as a larger image.

You go Panthers!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here's the scoop...

It's spring cleaning time at our house and guess what I found. Several Seventeen magazines from 1971 -72 and good old Snake River High School yearbooks 1970-72. Oh the memories...

Annette Larsen (Little) was our yearbook editor and as I'm looking back at our 1972 yearbook, I'm really impressed by the graphics, layout and content. Way to go Annette!
Now look closer at the magazines...can you believe they were a mere 50 cents!!! And to think I had to save up to purchase one from the small wages at my part-time Saturday - answer the phones at Cook Real Estate job. The best thing about that job though was the lunch hour trip to the drugstore.
I think there were two family drugstores in Downtown Blackfoot at the time. Does anyone remember what they were called?

I had a nice visit with Beth Smith yesterday and she has a fantastic memory! She blew me away when she remembered who all of the 7th grade Home Room teachers were. Can you name them? I remember who I had, here's a clue...Rhett Butler...
Okay all of you Snake River class of 72 people, and you know who you are...
Leave a comment, (just click on comments at the end of the post) tell us what you're up to and if you have some photos to post, don't be shy...
let me know and I'll get them on here for you somehow.
I see a few of us are on facebook and several of us have found
Chime in please so I'll know you are out there in web land and have found us. If you know of a classmate (parent, friend, etc.) from SR 1972 or there about...please let them know about this blog so they can join in.
more to come...and an apology or two... (you won't want to miss that!)
becki merrill woodward