Our Senior Class Play was a blast... do you remember it? Mr Empey was a busy drama teacher that year with the Operetta " Swinging High", the All School Play "To Kill A Mockingbird" and finally our Senior Class Play "F.L.I.P.P.E.D"
I loved the linocut programs printed on construction paper with the typed and stapled insert.

In this Photo:
FRONT ROW LTO R: G. Archibald, L, Olsen, B. Williams, L. Goodwin, N. Harris, M. Furniss, D. Martin, J. Peterson, M. Cutchshaw.
MIDDLE ROW: B. Merrill, A. Wells, V. Clements, K. Bingham, B. Smith, L. Ford, M. Herbst,
L. Dalton, D. Phelps.
BACK ROW: T. Empey, Director, T. Wheeler, S. Butt, A. Larsen, W. Nelson, D. Murdock,
J. Colson, T. Jackson.
MISSING: J. Randall, V. Evans, R. Hall, D. Erickson, B. Dance, M.A. Barclay, R. Stroh,
K. McBride, C. Wheeler, G. Esplin.
~ The Program ~
The Senior Class of Snake River High School
A Full-length Comedy About Women’s Liberation
David Rogers
May 19 and 20
8:00 PM
Chairman of the Senior Play Taunia Wheeler
(Female Liberation Idealists Party for Permanent Equality and Democracy)
(In Order of Appearance)
A Full-length Comedy About Women’s Liberation
David Rogers
May 19 and 20
8:00 PM
Chairman of the Senior Play Taunia Wheeler
(Female Liberation Idealists Party for Permanent Equality and Democracy)
(In Order of Appearance)
Man who wants a taxi ............... ...................Clinton Wheeler
Young Mother and Child ............ ..........Melinda Herbst & child
Teen- Age Girl Fifth Avenue Stroller..................Tammy Young
Boy Friend “ ” ...........................................Blair Dance
Jane Boland, a dress buyer ....................................... Becki Merrill
Cristabelle Pendleton, her friend .............................. Valerie Evans
Saleslady, from Tiffany's ............................................ Darla Phelps
Flora Haydon, leader of F.L.I.P.P.E.D. ......................Beth Smith
Miki Pendleton Member of F.L.I.P.P.E.D ..........Melissa Cutchshaw
Opal Lambrinos “ “ “........................Ladene Olson
Myra Grant “ “ “ ........................Annette Larson
Sandra Killer “ “ “ .........................Marla Furniss
Ella Gold “ “ “.......................... Angela Wells
Lynn Reed “ “ “.......................... Brenda Williams
Sergeant Williams ........................................Roger Hall
Patrolman Fuller Policemen .............................. Doug Murdock
Waitress, at Cram Pulla Goodies .......................... Debbie Erickson
Lady Lunching .................................................. Darla Phelps
Drusy Pendleton Nicki’s Sister................................Lynette Goodwin
Gaby Pendleton Blair Nicki’s Sister ...................Debbie Martin
Man Lunching At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Roger Hall
Another Man .......... At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Doug Murdock
Eric Forbes, A columnist .....................................Jeff Colson
Joe Rao Construction Worker ...................................Todd Jackson
Hap Halloran Construction Worker ......................Blair Dance
Girl, at Construction Site ...........................................Jan Peterson
Mitch Nygren, Construction foreman ...................... Jeff Randall
Clyde Pendleton, Christabelle's husband .................Wesley Smith
Dawn O'Day, Head Kitten at the Kitten Club ...............Mary Ann Barclay
Tom Blair, Gaby's husband, Kitten Club owner ............Steve Butt
1st Girl At Central Park ..........................................Linda Ford
2nd Girl At Central Park ..........................................Val Clement
Jeannie, the Blair 's babysitter .....................................Kristie Bingham
Haywood Haydon, Flora's husband .........................Richard Stroh
Dixie Kitten at the Kitten Club ....................................Kathy Mc Bride
Bubbles Kitten at the Kitten Club ................................Gloria Archibald
Suzy Kitten at the Kitten Club ..................................Linda Dalton
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Clinton Wheeler
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Taunia Wheeler
Court Clerk .................... .........................................Gay Esplin
Judge Frances Coleman, of Night Court .....................Nancy Harris
Young Mother and Child ............ ..........Melinda Herbst & child
Teen- Age Girl Fifth Avenue Stroller..................Tammy Young
Boy Friend “ ” ...........................................Blair Dance
Jane Boland, a dress buyer ....................................... Becki Merrill
Cristabelle Pendleton, her friend .............................. Valerie Evans
Saleslady, from Tiffany's ............................................ Darla Phelps
Flora Haydon, leader of F.L.I.P.P.E.D. ......................Beth Smith
Miki Pendleton Member of F.L.I.P.P.E.D ..........Melissa Cutchshaw
Opal Lambrinos “ “ “........................Ladene Olson
Myra Grant “ “ “ ........................Annette Larson
Sandra Killer “ “ “ .........................Marla Furniss
Ella Gold “ “ “.......................... Angela Wells
Lynn Reed “ “ “.......................... Brenda Williams
Sergeant Williams ........................................Roger Hall
Patrolman Fuller Policemen .............................. Doug Murdock
Waitress, at Cram Pulla Goodies .......................... Debbie Erickson
Lady Lunching .................................................. Darla Phelps
Drusy Pendleton Nicki’s Sister................................Lynette Goodwin
Gaby Pendleton Blair Nicki’s Sister ...................Debbie Martin
Man Lunching At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Roger Hall
Another Man .......... At Cram Fulla Goodies ..............Doug Murdock
Eric Forbes, A columnist .....................................Jeff Colson
Joe Rao Construction Worker ...................................Todd Jackson
Hap Halloran Construction Worker ......................Blair Dance
Girl, at Construction Site ...........................................Jan Peterson
Mitch Nygren, Construction foreman ...................... Jeff Randall
Clyde Pendleton, Christabelle's husband .................Wesley Smith
Dawn O'Day, Head Kitten at the Kitten Club ...............Mary Ann Barclay
Tom Blair, Gaby's husband, Kitten Club owner ............Steve Butt
1st Girl At Central Park ..........................................Linda Ford
2nd Girl At Central Park ..........................................Val Clement
Jeannie, the Blair 's babysitter .....................................Kristie Bingham
Haywood Haydon, Flora's husband .........................Richard Stroh
Dixie Kitten at the Kitten Club ....................................Kathy Mc Bride
Bubbles Kitten at the Kitten Club ................................Gloria Archibald
Suzy Kitten at the Kitten Club ..................................Linda Dalton
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Clinton Wheeler
Customer in Kitten Club .........................................Taunia Wheeler
Court Clerk .................... .........................................Gay Esplin
Judge Frances Coleman, of Night Court .....................Nancy Harris
What a funny play this was and so 1970's!
Be good Panthers,
becki merrill woodward
Hi, Becki, it Melissa (Cutchshaw) Mills. Thanks for putting together this site. The music and the pictures bring baack such memories. Though I was only a "Panther" for one year, I really enjoyed my time there. (But HOLY COW it was COLD!)
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to admit that I actually remember the words to one of the songs in the play F.L.I.P.P.E.D.(sung to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.)
The time has come for women to achieve equality.
We're not the household drudges men have always thought us be.
We've burned our bras and bridges and at last we're feeling free
to fight for liberty.
Fight for women's liberation.
Fight for women's liberation.
Sing it out across the nation
that we want freedom NOW!