Now look closer at the magazines...can you believe they were a mere 50 cents!!! And to think I had to save up to purchase one from the small wages at my part-time Saturday - answer the phones at Cook Real Estate job. The best thing about that job though was the lunch hour trip to the drugstore.
I think there were two family drugstores in Downtown Blackfoot at the time. Does anyone remember what they were called?

Okay all of you Snake River class of 72 people, and you know who you are...
Leave a comment, (just click on comments at the end of the post) tell us what you're up to and if you have some photos to post, don't be shy...
let me know and I'll get them on here for you somehow.
I see a few of us are on facebook and several of us have found classmates.com
Chime in please so I'll know you are out there in web land and have found us. If you know of a classmate (parent, friend, etc.) from SR 1972 or there about...please let them know about this blog so they can join in.
more to come...and an apology or two... (you won't want to miss that!)
becki merrill woodward
facebook link
I know it's a little weird leaving a comment on a blog I just put together, but here's another scoop...
ReplyDeleteIt's really easy to leave comments here and so many of us will appreciate them. Our class was pretty close in many ways and I would love to see us get in touch with each other again, somehow. I'm saddened that we have lost 5 already and I could kick myself for not making an effort to meet up with Karen McPherson or Deryl Smith in 2002 when I was over for the reunion. Now those regrets haunt me...
Just my 2cents..You go guys...
Hi, I'm not a huge blogger but this might be fun. Thanks for touching base Becki, We are planning a wedding in June for our youngest daughter. Still with Steve after all of these years. I am still in the same house in Moreland but we have put our horse raising business on hold. We still have a small herd, but mostly just for pleasure now. This was our first empty nest Xmas. What a change!!! Love to hear from all of you, Marketa
ReplyDeleteHi Marketa, so good to see you here! Take lots of pictures at the wedding so we can see your family. That empty nest syndrome is hitting a few of us.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Thanks for creating this blog Becki! I remember those downtown drugstores. There was Jay's Drug, Ancho Drug, and I think there was a Nixon Drug, too, wasn't there? Downtown Blackfoot has changed so much, now there's hardly anything. The only place to shop in Blackfoot is Wal-mart and now there's a new department store called Beall's. But we used to have JC Penney, the Merc, Fashion Bar, Block's, Fay's Hat & Gown, Mode O'Day, just to name a few. Can anyone remember any more clothing stores? Rick and I are empty-nesters here in Moreland and we quite like it. It will be good to connect with our "old" classmates!
ReplyDelete7th grade huh? the first year that we all ended up in the same spot. the year juanita got married (if my memory is right, maybe it was the 9th grade). Van Lueven is the only one I can think of for now. who else is there.
jays and arnell drug (i think). remember the soda fountain in jays(?)
Debbie Erickson Howell: This blog is a good idea. I have been in Austin Texas for the past 16 years...we love the warm weather. My youngest daughter lives in Rexburg and whines and complains about the snow and wind all the time. So I am glad to be in the land of warmth! We get up to Southeastern Idaho occasionally. Last year our youngest got married and we had a reception in Bluffdale Utah for her, so we came to Blackfoot to visit Bob's mom and my parents (live in Rigby). My husband and his brother, Cliff Howell went 4 wheeling and Bob broke 8 ribs the day before the reception. So I spent all last fall nursing him back to health. He is back at work and we are grateful that he has a job. I substitute teach whenever I get the whim. That leaves me free time to visit our children who live in St. Louis, Dallas, California (2 children) and Rexburg.
ReplyDeleteThe stores I remember in Blackfoot are: May's Flower & Music, Hong Kong Cafe, Humpty's Dump, Merrill's Grocer, Post Office & gas station in Moreland, and Stans grocery store in Moreland.
Jane, yea! I hoped you would post a comment, I miss you "old" friend...
ReplyDeleteIs Rick planning any big fishing trips this year? Rex is catching some HUGE stripers and nice salmon in the Sacramento River. Come on over...the shopping is good around here.
I was telling Beth Smith that I was homesick for Blackfoot, the desert Buttes, the family & friends, and I think maybe some of the wonderful memories. It was a great place to grow up, that's for sure.
Be good,
I say Jane today and she reminded me to stay in touch. I remember Blocks, I loved that store. I remember the lunch counter at Arnell's, Mom would take us in for an Egg salad sandwich and a coke. It was a huge treat. To this day an egg salad sandwich is a treat. Our little town doesn't have much personality anymore.
ReplyDeleteHi, This is Kathy McBride Parson,
ReplyDeleteKings was on the corner. I remember when Carol was first driving and drove around the corner by Kings and ran into a grumpy lady (that worked at either Penneys or Kings)who was j-walking. It sent her flying, Carol jumped out of the car and grabbed the ladies glasses and tried to put them back on her face, the lady was so mad that she hit Carols hands away and Carol thought she was a gonner.
I also remember when Jeff C. wrote me a note and I read it after school in the hallway,(I think we were in the 8th grade) and Mr. Stroh came up and read it over my shoulder and it had sort of a swear word in it and Jeff and I both got expelled for a day or so. WOW! Imagine what the kids get away with now in schools.
I have 7 children, 6 married, my youngest just returned from a mission to BC, and 14 grandchildren with the 15 due in Sept. I live in Rexburg. Who are the kids that live here Debbie E.?
Which drug store was it that we got limeades? Was that one Arnell's?
Hi Kathy! Great to hear from you! Poor Carol, I can imagine how scary that would be. I had to laugh about the note incident...too funny.
ReplyDeleteYou have nearly 15 grandkids?!! Amazing and I'm jealous.
Was Arnell's closest to the theatre?
I remember Ironport and Cream from Humpty's.
i remember the "red lite "district...mark and jerry dared mr to climb the escape ladder and knock on the window with the red lite...i did it for a buck...and was never paid...R2
ReplyDeleteJust had to let you all know, the get together at the Colonial was way fun. Seeing some of the guys and getting a chance to catch up was great. The plan for a picnic in July is great. I so enjoy everyone that I went to school with. I always wanted to friends with everyone and hope they realize they are important to me. Catch me on facebook. I am trying to friend as many as I can. If not, see you in July!! Beth, I will bring pictures.