Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stumbling down memory lane...

Some things about the 70's seem a little hazy, but hopefully you will remember this:

*** If you play this video, please scroll down the page to the Playlist Player, pause it - then come back up to play the video. You really don't want both of these playing at the same time, believe me...

Wikipedia about the song, I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing...

What were your favorite songs in High School? Do you remember the themes for our dances? Color My World was one and easy to decorate for.

Take care all you groovy people...


  1. First of all, Becki, you don't owe me an apology! I had sort of forgotten about the idea of you creating a class website after our last class reunion. I think getting this blog up and running has been a big project for you and I, for one, appreciate it! I just wish we'd get some more followers and commenters! I had to laugh at your apology to Bruce Tominaga though. You ripped his fruit-loop off and ripped his whole shirt?! Shame on you! Bruce always dressed nicely, didn't he? I still remember his penmanship, so neat and even and left-handed, I think. Beth Smith would know for sure. He would press so hard on the paper, that it would curl up. The weird things we remember! I remember the theme for our Homecoming dance, too, "Color My World." I think the theme for our Senior Ball was something like "April Love," and I think Jeff Randall sang it during intermission. Another song I remember was "As Tears Go By." You know "It is the evening of the day, I sit and watch as children play...." There was a group of girls (Lynette Goodwin, Val Williams, Karen McPherson, Kathy McBride,and who else???)who sang it at some assemblies or something and I accompanied them on the piano. I can still play that song from memory! Hey don't get me started on music, or this could go on and on......

  2. Mindy Murdock & I think Debbie Martin sang in that group too. They were very good! Isn't there a picture of them in the yearbook? Jane, I think you accompanied everyone in school. I remember that summer when we were helping out in Head Start and you were playing piano there for them.
    I wish I could hear Jeff sing again. He has so much talent.


Please leave a comment if you are a member of our class. We would also love to hear from anyone asssociated with former Snake River attendees.