Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas & December Party

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. 
Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy the family and friends.

Then plan to meet up with your classmates for our December Party
At Bamboo Gardens - Pocatello on Yellowstone      
Wednesday December 29th 6-8
No lonely Bamboo, okay? See you there!


  1. Sharon Steffler HenrieDecember 26, 2010 at 8:18 AM

    Wish I could come but midweek is hard for me to get there. Please say Hi to everyone for me

  2. Is it still on??? WE are planing to be there

    Ricky and Gina


Please leave a comment if you are a member of our class. We would also love to hear from anyone asssociated with former Snake River attendees.