Thursday, February 17, 2011

Think Spring, think Spring, think Spring, think Spring...

Do you get the picture? It's getting extremely tough to wait for Spring... but I hear it will appear in SE Idaho sometime! Is Mother Nature just teasing here?

I didn't mean to hold out on the photos from our get together in October. We had fun - as usual.
Dave Murdock sang us some great songs and had us laughing our heads off again with his "all famous" Strawberry Wine Jam song. (You just have to be there...)

It was great to see Lynn Page Metcalf, she arrived with Julie Saxton Hale. We were also blessed with the presence of Kenny Frederick. I haven't seen him in forever! Let me tell you, he was quite the addition to the boys vocals. Sorry about the grainy and short video - better luck next time, huh?

 Performing: Doug, Eric, Gaylen, Ricky, Kenny and Rick.

Video Clip ...

I made this private, you have to have the link to view it. It's not out there for the world to see.
If you practice up a bit though, we might have to send a link to a big music producer!

PS: Save the date - St. Patrick's Day 3/17 for our next barn-raising, heck of a good time at the Colonial again. 6-whenever pm