Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey, remember our awesome baseball team?

The 1972 Snake River High School Baseball Team - May 1972
Winning the championship of the A-2 bracket in the Fifth District Tournament
From left are (kneeling) Rick Tew, Brad Rich, Kendall Williams, Bert Kirwan, Mike Katseanes, Garth Turpin, manager Steve Archibald; (second row) Zane Williams, Kevin Lockie, Tom Martin, Bruce Tominaga, Blair Furniss, Darvel Anderson, coach Keith Williams; (back row) Blair Dance, Steve Butt, Danny McNair, Robert Anderson, Dalles Anderson, Richard Stroh, manager Mel Bradley.

What a nice looking team -- makes me proud to be a Panther!

Who would have ever imagined that today we can follow our favorite teams online, get schedules and sports news in an instant. It blows me away that all of this is possible. I'm also quite amazed that our sports seasons are not really just seasons anymore; what with pre-season, exhibition games, and pro-bowls we needn't fear boredom. So just to convenience you once again -- here are two top sports links:

Ya all have a great Fall! Yea, football!
Hey, you can make a comment here and let us know which teams you just love or hate and I think it would be fun to see how our favorites have changed through the year. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Denver and Seattle.
See ya later...
becki merrill woodward

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Happened to August?

Well it's certainly not a photo of us as school kids, but I needed an image so this will have to do...

This summer has been unusually busy I think-and where in the heck did it go? I was thrilled that Jane took the time to post photos of the Moreland Elementary Classes (thanks to Beth for her help too). What a bunch of cuties, and I do mean cuties!!!

Now for Pingree and Rockford, does anyone have these tucked away somewhere?

Last Saturday was the Eastern Idaho State Fair opening and the parade in Blackfoot. I ran into Jane and Rick in front of Hawker Funeral Home - luckily Jane could fill me in on the parade participants. I swear, having been out of the area for all of these years, I wouldn't have known or recognized even one person!
I took pictures and planned to post them here but I can't seem to locate the cable to download them -- moving and unpacking is such a joy...not.
I'm sure it's here somewhere...???

***A quick change of subject here*** Some of you have kids who look like you did back when, so I have found myself doing "double-takes".

Moving back to Idaho has been a great experience, I love seeing my friends and just feeling like I'm HOME again. Eastern Idaho is a great place to be from but for me it's even a great place to live. I had forgotten...

Go Panthers!

Have an awesome September and check back soon for those parade and fair pictures.
Back atcha later,