Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Get Together

If you survive Christmas and want a great lead-in to New Years, come and join us for our 3rd Annual Holiday Get Together!

Hey Snake River Class of 1972 classmates. 
We're doing it again! 
The 3rd Annual Holiday Get Together

Wednesday Dec 28th at 6:30
Tommy Vaughn's Grill - Blackfoot
850 Jensen Grove Dr - across from the park

If you have questions or plan to be there, call me 208.881.7152, Jane or Rick Tew, or Doug Murdock, --- or leave a comment here.
Hope to see you all! It will be fun - we always have fun! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There has been a consensus...

We met at the Homestead - never made it to the Riverside Grade School. But the best news of all is.....

We have a date for our 40th class reunion! Now for the planning, and then putting that plan in motion. I'll keep you updated, so check the blog often.

We have countdown Class of 1972!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's that time again - planning our Class of 72 Reunion

Hello all you awesome Panthers. Can you believe it's almost our 40th reunion? Yup, where did those years go? Well here's what's up - we're getting together to plan this thing and we need your help. Jane posted on facebook for us, but for those who aren't yet on facebook - here's what she wrote about the planning meeting:
We'll meet on August 3 at Homestead Restaurant in Blackfoot at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and visiting. Then at 7:30 p.m. we'll move out to the Riverside Elementary library and continue visiting and planning the reunion. Please tell everybody from the class of '72 who might be interested to join us. If you can't make it for dinner, just come to the school for the planning meeting. We need your input. It might be a good idea to leave a note here if you plan on coming for dinner so we can have enough tables together. If anyone has a better idea, please let us know! Look forward to seeing lots of you there! Oh, and for those who might need a reminder, I'll put another post on Facebook a few days before!
So... we'll see you there!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A reminder and memorial

Please join Bradley and Julie Hale and their family as they present the new life jacket station
and honor their two sons and friends who lost their lives last August.

Julie emailed to tell me about this event and invites us to attend. She made a good point that with the beginning of boating season, we need to be reminded how important life jackets are.

Again, the event will take place on Saturday, May 28th - 11:00 am at the American Falls west boat ramp.

Here are some media links for this event:

Journal Article

News 8

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Think Spring, think Spring, think Spring, think Spring...

Do you get the picture? It's getting extremely tough to wait for Spring... but I hear it will appear in SE Idaho sometime! Is Mother Nature just teasing here?

I didn't mean to hold out on the photos from our get together in October. We had fun - as usual.
Dave Murdock sang us some great songs and had us laughing our heads off again with his "all famous" Strawberry Wine Jam song. (You just have to be there...)

It was great to see Lynn Page Metcalf, she arrived with Julie Saxton Hale. We were also blessed with the presence of Kenny Frederick. I haven't seen him in forever! Let me tell you, he was quite the addition to the boys vocals. Sorry about the grainy and short video - better luck next time, huh?

 Performing: Doug, Eric, Gaylen, Ricky, Kenny and Rick.

Video Clip ...

I made this private, you have to have the link to view it. It's not out there for the world to see.
If you practice up a bit though, we might have to send a link to a big music producer!

PS: Save the date - St. Patrick's Day 3/17 for our next barn-raising, heck of a good time at the Colonial again. 6-whenever pm